Our services are built for today
Personal Coaching
One-on-One Coaching will help you find the required balance necessary for happiness. Our clients seek us out during challenging times. We help them develop solutions to their most difficult and personal issues. Your sessions are carefully designed around your individual uniqueness and might include: •Discussing concepts while having coffee at a local café or park. • Sharing applicable concepts highlighted in a specific movie that we watch together. • Learning about a specific concept while enjoying lunch or taking a walk. There are no demanding activities or non-relevant abstract topics of discussion. Every session will take you through an enjoyable and meaningful experience with highly trained staff and will shed light and provide actionable guidance to enrich your life. Contact us to learn more or to book your personal one-on-one coaching session.
Executive Coaching
We work with businesses of all sizes, from large corporations to small businesses. No two businesses, people or executives are the same. Attaining maximum success cannot be achieved through a "one size fits all" solution. Our unique experience and success allow us to assess your needs to create the perfect program to meet your specific objectives and budget. Our programs guide your management / executives as they apply our proven success concepts and tools to attain both personal and business success. We bring over 17 years of experience in proven practical philosophical concepts to your business. Through our sessions your executives will become more adept at increasing employee engagement, reducing absenteeism, increasing productivity and profits while at the same time become happier, and more successful. Contact us to learn more or to book a workshop or training session
Group Workshops
Inner-development is the process of finding the required balance between the constant challenges of day-to-day life and the inner longing for well-being and peace. Our group workshops address the factors that influence inner-development and happiness. If left unchecked these often cause low confidence, negative stress, anger, anguish, sleeplessness, violence, feeling like every day is a struggle, difficulty getting out of bed in the morning, health issues and even suicidal thoughts. Our workshops cover a wide variety of subjects. Each workshop is thought-provoking, relevant, upbeat, fun and most of all helpful. Every workshop focuses on the individual and includes actionable and practical tools that you can take away and implement in your daily life, immediately. Join us in person or online. Either way your attendance will put you on the path to more happiness and well-being. Check back again for our list of upcoming workshops. Contact us!
Business/Corporate Training
Never have we seen the fundamental principles necessary to successfully build, sustain and grow a business evolve at the break-neck speed of today! From effective leadership to crafting the right vision for the business, to managing an ever-changing hybrid workforce, all the while dealing with the stress and challenges that come with leadership. From senior level to entry level the workplace today faces entirely new challenges across the board, all of which are paramount to the success of the business. Executing a set of tangible strategies and tactics just isn't enough. Success today requires a "360 approach”. Entrepreneurs must fuse external tangible strategies with their own inner intangible thoughts, emotions, and actions. Our workshops are designed to meet your business needs. We can customize a program for your business, or you can select from one of the topics listed below: • Building culture in a remote world • Leadership and development in today’s climate • Loneliness and the hybrid workforce • Task/Skills match • Using stress to your advantage • Building effective teamwork and morale • Manging anger & fear in the workplace Contact us to learn more or to book a workshop or training session.