50 %
in the U.S. experience loneliness. This percentage is even higher in young adults.
You feel isolated
You feel alone, even when you are with others
You feel trapped in your own residence
You feel that things are hopeless
You feel tired and sleep a lot
You feel depressed
Loneliness is one of the most important issues facing mankind today. Feelings of chronic or extreme loneliness often result in negative consequences such as: depression, drug abuse, violence and even suicide.
Loneliness affects every age group, race, gender, religion, economic and social status:
Over 52% of adults report feeling lonely.
47% report that they don’t have meaningful relationships with others.
79% of Gen Z (ages 18-22) report feeling loneliness.
71% of Millennials (ages 23-37) feel loneliness.
34% of those aged 45 and older feel loneliness
72% of women and 60% of men regularly feel lonely.
Source: YouGov
Loneliness is a global epidemic
33% of the world feels lonely.
US 22% often or always feel lonely.
UK 13.5% of the country feels loneliness.
In Australia 25% experience loneliness at least once a week.
In Canada, 30% feel lonely always or often feel lonely.
In Japan, 47% of adults 20-69 experience loneliness.
Source: Mori
Who among us hasn’t experienced loneliness? Have you ever wondered why?
We should start by differentiating the painful feeling of loneliness from the desire to be alone. It is one thing to feel alone and another to choose to be alone. Sometimes, solitude allows us time to regroup, to look inwardly, to reset physically and/or mentally, and even allows us the time to better focus on projects that might require greater concentration.
The alternative to choosing or being happy to be alone is when we isolate ourselves from the world. Reasons for this range from deploying solitude as a defense mechanism when we feel threatened or misunderstood by the world around us to feeling that we don’t fit in, don’t have friends, or aren’t desired by other people.
In many cases, we find that we feel alone even when we are in a group. This is the worst loneliness and if not addressed, often leads to feelings of depression, anxiety, fear, stress, and illness.
What are the roots of this painful feeling?
Loneliness can be the product of a change of circumstances in our lives, such as:
living alone
changing living conditions
moving to a new residence
having financial problems
dealing with the death of a loved one
feeling of being misunderstood
In the case of children, it may be due to:
lack of playmates or real-world social interaction
rejection from peer groups
little time spent with parents
change of neighborhood
discrimination due to disability, race, or gender
living in an abusive environment
It is important to note that we cannot generalize the topic of loneliness. Some people prefer small groups, others prefer bigger ones, and others prefer one-to-one relationships.
Loneliness is a very personal emotion, and each person feels loneliness differently. When loneliness is left unmanaged, it can become debilitating.
Let us help you overcome feelings of loneliness.
"The most terrible poverty is Loneliness and the feeling of being unloved."
-Mother Teresa